Emmie & Kenny
Full disclosure, Emmalynn doesn't let anyone call her Emmie (she actually has a stuffed cat she named Emmie) but recently she has been calling Kennedy "Kenny" and I LOVE it. I thought I'd write a little about each girl at the stage they're in now, things I don't want to forget and share some pictures I've taken of them lately. Emmalynn; just turned 3; typical "threenager". She is SO opinionated and when she has her mind made up on something it is very hard to sway her. Buuut, she is also so sweet and caring. Always thanking people (she even thanked me for buying her sister a doll the other day) and she loves telling us everything. One time she was at a family party with her grand parents and as soon as she got home the first thing she told us was that her Grampie gave her some pop. She is incapable of keeping a secret or keeping anything from those she loves. Nate will get home from work and she will tell him exactly everything she has don...